Activity of our fund needs engagement of numerous means. as well as financial, factual as well as organizational. We realize few projects about you will read in lap “Projects”


Be our donor!


We turn to You, especially to firms and institutions, private persons, with appeal concerned activity support of our fund.


To donors we propose passing on financial donations, factual on current activity, and also participation in projects.


Our activities can be supported on many ways, through:




-- delivery of financial donation (e.g. for events co-organizing, return of travel costs for members of event, or payments for services which we use during realization of certain undertaking).

-- delivery financial donation (e.g. for army vehicles gaining as example of military technique as aim of continuation courses and widening and popularization of history among youths)

-- delivery of factual donation (e.g. presents, gifts for participants, educational materials).

-- offering gratuitous services, which will contribute to projects realization (computer graphics, journalism, narrations, photography, running meetings, workshops).


Sponsors packet is adapted to expectation of specific donor taking into consideration character of undertaking. It covers among others:


-- Information about Fund action support by location of firm logotype in materials concerned project (placates) and on page www of Fund and on face book.

-- Location of supportive fund materials (leaflets, banners, roll-ups) in space covering events.

-- Handing over distinctions and thanks.


Number of our bank account, on which donations can be transferred:


Fundacja Militarny Instytut Historyczny (Military Historic Institute Fund)


Alior Bank:

11 2490 0005 0000 4500 4608 9245




From some time it became very popular idea. Many persons in that way spend free time and there is no need to persuade them to it. If you will want to find definition we can say:

Voluntary service - free, voluntary, sensible working for another, but although definition is not all. Behind every definition hide certain philosophy. Instead of payment, volunteer has other advantages: consciousness, that he does that for others and that it has point. Gets to know methods of work, free schooling. Volunteer gains experience , knowledge, new acquaintance, gratitude and satisfaction.


We seek volunteers, which want to support us in some way in realization of our actions, by organized events: office assistants, computer graphic artists, volunteer-coordinator.


In this case interested persons we kindly ask to contact: on e-mail: